School has started amidst this pandemic and the Toronto District School Board has identified 37 schools deemed to be in the highest risk neighbourhoods for COVID-19. Danby has decided to do the right thing and donate 500 air purifiers to use in classrooms for each schools that need them the most. Some schools that are in higher risk areas will be receiving as many as 34 air purifiers to use as necessary.
While cold and flu season is almost upon us the spread of germs in a classroom will be difficult to control. Air purifiers can limit the spread of viruses via long-range airborne particles by securing most of those particles in a HEPA filter and cleaning the air at a rate of up to six times per hour. Without an air purifier, the air gets fully cycled about once every two hours through air leakage, often aided by ventilation systems. Air purifiers essentially work by cleaning the air, which can include pollutants, allergens, and toxins. Fortunately, the Danby DAP120BBWDB tower air purifier contains a HEPA filter and UV-C Light with Photo-Catalyst Filter, which kills most bacteria, viruses, and sterilizes the air in the room.
“I want to thank Danby Appliances for their generous donation of air purifiers to the Toronto District School Board. These air purifiers will help schools as they navigate the challenges of COVID-19 and help keep kids and families safe. Throughout the pandemic, people and businesses have demonstrated their compassion and generosity for one another – it’s the Toronto way of doing things and it will help us get through this pandemic and make sure our city comes back stronger,” said Mayor John Tory, City of Toronto.
“The TDSB is very appreciative of Danby’s generous donations of 500 air purifiers to our schools. The schools receiving these air purifiers do not currently have mechanical ventilation systems in place and are located in areas that public health has identified as a higher risk for contracting COVID-19, so we are thankful for this donation and the difference that it will make in these classrooms,” said Steve Shaw, TDSB Executive Officer of Facility Services.
“With families having so many things to worry about during the pandemic, we are pleased to be able to help out in this way. At Danby Appliances this is another way for us to Do the Right Thing,” said Jim Estill, Danby Owner and CEO.

Our family at Danby is focused on the fight against COVID-19 and we are extending a helping hand to those who are in need. If you are feeling any COVID-19 symptoms we encourage you to get tested, if you are in the Guelph-Wellington area we have lent our office out on 416 Southgate Rd to become a public COVID-19 testing facility.
The following are some of the messages we received from TDSB students.

Check out PRWeb’s article here.
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