So far in 2022 we’ve had nine named storms hit the east coast, with roughly six or more expected before the end of the year according to Kris Karnauskas, associate professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. With that much water being dropped in one location there is a increase risk of it not drying fully and creating mold and mildew issues within your home. While mold can be unsightly and cause a pungent odor, there are larger concerns to be mindful of. “Infants, young children, older adults, people with chronic respiratory conditions, and people with weakened immune systems may be affected sooner and more severely than others by mold in the home” says Florida Department Of Health -Lee County officials stated.
According to health officials, there are four types of health concerns that could arise from exposure to mold. Allergic illness, irritant effects, infection, and toxic effects.
People who are sensitive to mold could see symptoms like sinus and nasal irritation or congestion, a dry hacking cough, skin rashes or burning. They may also experience watery or reddened colored eyes. Some with sever allergies may come down with more serious reactions like hay fever like symptoms.
The FDOH – Lee County suggests cleaning any mold that has already started to grow while wearing protective equipment. Once cleaning is done dispose of all materials that may have come in contact with the mold to prevent spread. Even if you’ve taken the proper steps and persuasions while removing any existing mold, there could still be mold particulates in the air. Picking up an air purifier can help eliminate any mold particulates that may be circulating in your air.
To find the best purifier for your space click here
Once you’ve removed any existing mold, one of the best things to help prevent the growth of mold and mildew is a dehumidifier. By helping to remove moisture in the air, a dehumidifier can reduce the conditions necessary for mold and mildew to develop. On top of that a dehumidifier can help decrease unwanted pests in your home, alleviate long term allergies, and keep musky smells out of your home.
If you’re in a smaller space, or just need a small space taken care of, this unit would be a good fit for you DDR020BJWDB.
Larger spaces can be taken care of as well, with cost AND time savings in mind. The DDR050BLBDB is recognized by Energy Star as one of the most efficient units of 2021 to ensure less drain on your hydro bills. It’s also designed to turn off and on based on the ambient temperature in the room, combine that with an auto drain feature and you don’t need to waste any extra time on this unit.
Check out Danby’s Full line of Dehumidifiers here!!